Installing Klipper Firmware on Anet A8 v ...

Installing Klipper Firmware on Anet A8 v2

Sep 09, 2023

This time I will explain how to install Klipper firmware on Anet A8 v2.

As usual disclaimer first:

DISCLAIMER: I'm not responsible for anything happens with your printer or anything if you decide to follow steps in this posts. Modifying your printer will always carry certain risks. It can damage your printer, it can render your printer useless, it can even lead to burning you entire place. Don't modify your printer unless you're aware of the risks and have taken safety measures. Installing a new firmware can be considered as modifying your printer.

I won't explain how to install Klipper from the beginning. It's the same step with installing Klipper on any printer. But as a basic guideline these are the steps:

  • Install Klipper host

    The easiest would be using Raspberry Pi Imager and choose already made system.

    Don't forget to set everything including hostname, username, wireless network, etc.

  • Prepare firmware for the printer

    Once the Klipper host is all set, you need to make the actual firmware for your printer. This firmware is the one you flash to your printer. Klipper itself will not be running on your printer, but on the host device. For Anet A8 v2, configure the firmware as shown in this picture:

  • Flash the printer

    The steps to flash Anet A8 v2 with the new firmware are the same with flashing Anet A8 v2 with Marlin. You will need an STLink dongle. Please read my previous post on this topic.

  • Configure Klipper to work with the printer

I will explain the last step on this post.

To configure Klipper to work with Anet A8 v2, we need to create a new file [printer.cfg]

Unfotunately, Anet A8 v2 is not a popular printer, at the moment I write this post, there isn't any configuration made for this printer. This means you will need to trace the printer's mainboard for it's pin as I have mentioned in my previous post.

But, if you have purchased my Marlin 2.1.2 modification source code, you can convert it to Klipper configuration.

You will need to define these sections on the [printer.cfg]

  • [stepper_x]

  • [stepper_y]

  • [stepper_z]

  • [extruder]

  • [fan]

  • [heater_fan fan1]

  • [mcu]

  • [printer]

  • [board_pins]

At the moment of this writing, I have not found a way to make the screen works. In my opinion, this is not a deal breaker, since with Klipper, almost everything is done via the web interface.

That is it for now, until my next post.

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