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Today I wanted to share what I learned while web scraping Udemy for the term "ClickFunnels"!
I started by asking ChatGPT to start a NodeJS express app that will web scrape Udemy because when I searched for ClickFunnels I found 275 results!
So... I thought, I wonder how many sales this is in total?
Udemy shows the price and shows the students so you can get an estimate of how much each course has made, which is kinda awesome.
All I needed was to scrape the Name, URL, Author, Reviews, Price, Students, Hours, Lectures and get Total Sales per course and then once I do that.. I can find out some cool information.
Back to ChatGPT... I gave it a decent prompt and then I began testing. An hour or so later I was able to start populating some JSON files with that sweet sweet data!
I made it so I can hit a local web server with 3 requests:
1 - /get-list -- this will take in page number and keyword.
2 - /get-prices -- this grabs price and students per course (takes a while!!)
3 - /get-report or /get-report-keyword -- this generates a report on data
Pretty cool eh?
Once I had that data I was able to just send the reports (which are in JSON) to a ChatGPT in a conversation and just ask the AI to do some math and figure some things out.
Note: I used ChatGPT Code Interpreter so that it can run real math equations (haha!)
With this data, I was able to come up with this graphic in Canva:
I noticed the top 3 do not have ClickFunnels in the title and are on Shopify, Elementor and "Sales Funnels" which is not what I wanted to find out.
This data is just guessing and not 100% accurate and it is just students * price, however it is still very cool data.
This is where the /get-report-keyword request comes into play where you can pass in a keyword such as "clickfunnels" and then it will narrow down all this data to what I actually wanted...
I won't go over all the stats here...
If you wanna get your hands dirty with code and maybe run your own analysis on perhaps "macarons" or "real estate" or "your niche here".
Check out the code + tutorial here:
Thanks so much for your support!