The BayaniBuilder Creed

The BayaniBuilder Creed

Aug 08, 2023

I pray to God that following words are right by Our Creator and guide the hearts of our neighbors, friends, family, & the company we keep.

We follow the house of order that gave us these words

& structures to record our visions, missions, & ministries.

We try to say, do, & think the right things to keep the peace

between our friends, families, & enemies.

Our mission is a future where we saved our oldest trees,

secured our waters, and made every lion confident

their cubs might know peace

like the garden of eden.

Because only when the last tree had been harvested,

the last river poisoned,

And the last fish caught…

will we all realize money can’t be eaten.

Our family is guided by Galatians 5:22-23,

focused on Philippians 4:8,

inspired by Habakkuk 2:2,

and empowered by Ephesians 4:29.

Our vision is a government that can be explained easily &

a world where kids have the resources to find their purpose,

adults confident in social security,

and that their elders will be protected, respected, &

confident that this will be the norm for the rest of eternity

Ultimately & above all,

we believe in first-principles-thinking

guided by these 3 sayings...

  • Social harmony requires curiosity.

  • United families unburden society.

  • God helps us find what is true, just & right…

In the structure of his written record,

in His words, story, & time.

If anything else & beyond our 24hour reality,

We can be communist with family,

socialist with friends,

And capitalist only with growers of fruit of The Spirit.

We will do anything to keep our homes Holy,

family friendly,

And full of guns, freedom, liberty,

happiness, & opportunity.

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