New Series: The Mad Sage Speaks

New Series: The Mad Sage Speaks

Mar 09, 2022

Last summer, while visiting a friend on sacred land, Spirit told me that I already have all the material I could ever need to consistently show up and serve my community. I simply need to open the vault.

Some of the material for this series was mined from the journals that I’ve kept for many years. Some is what is coming through me now. All mixed together. Past/Present/Future. It’s all now.

Much was channeled during the summer of 2020, during the initial lockdown for the Covid-19 pandemic. When the outer world slowed down, my inner world became more vibrant and clear. Having my Neptune square Neptune transit during this time certainly had an impact on that!

When transmissions come through me, I use whatever I have nearby to capture them, including voice recording, scribbles in paper notebooks, and note-taking apps on my phone. I channel in what I call "my(s)t{h}ic poetry" style, where swipe text and auto-correct mistakes reveal shadow material, and the resulting messages can be read in multiple ways.

Spirit has been gently teaching me that I don’t have to wait until I have all the steps mapped out to start. This has been my hardest lesson. Anxiety pops up if I don’t know what’s going to happen next. But, once I start, it goes away. And all that’s left is the voice of Spirit whispering, telling me what comes next. Like a fog, where I can only see the very next step. And it’s not until I put my foot down that the step after that comes into focus.

This scares me because I don't know what it is and I don't know where it's going. All I know is that it's time to let it show me. 

P.S. Eventually, I may share some of the voice recordings in their raw form, but I'm just not brave enough for that quite yet.

So with that, let me introduce you to the Mad Sage Speaks.  It is  a collection of channeled transmissions and conversations with my inner wise woman, a wyrd crone who delights me daily with her crazy logic and meandering musings. 


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