Menstruation is not taboo or Technologic ...

Menstruation is not taboo or Technological tweaks that make life easier for women.

Apr 19, 2021

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

We wear a smartwatch on our wrists, the company is a digital doctor and instead of a wedding ring, we have a special ring that controls the quality of our sleep.

Welcome to the technological age, to the time when we rely on zeros and ones. But you may have noticed for yourself that developers and engineers are neglecting a topic that concerns only the female part of the population, the menstrual cycle.

Apart from a few mobile applications, we will not find many "tangible inventions" that would make women more pleasant and, above all, improve their lives.

Still, it looks like it's slowly flashing for better technology times in which the menstrual cycle will play a key role!

Bracelet Instead Of A Calendar

Already during sex education, the teachers told us not to rely too much on counting fertile days. In addition to mathematics, mother nature, which is often very unpredictable, also intervenes in demanding numbers.

Yet he saw the light of day with a product that promises to calculate accurately five of the six fertile days.

The Ava bracelet 1 relies on the physiological parameters of a woman's body, which change slightly at the time of ovulation.

These are, for example, heart rateheart rate variabilityskin temperature, or blood flow through the circulatory system, which is lowest at the beginning of fertile days.

So how does a bracelet work?

All you have to do is put it on before going to bed and synchronize it with the mobile application the next day. The result is a detailed overview of fertile days, thanks to which you have possible pregnancy under control.

Smart menstrual cup

Menstrual cups are nothing new. They settled in our compartments with hygiene aids relatively quickly and showed us that they will playfully replace non-ecological pads or tampons.

But it looks like we should make room for the 2.0 menstrual cup! The world's first smart menstrual cup is called the Loon Cup 2 and is paired with the mobile app on your smartphone. Thanks to this, the cup "notifies" you in time that it is full and needs to be replaced.

But it's not just a practical part of the thing, the advantage of the cup is also a precise analysis of your period.

The smart cup detects slight color differences in menstruation, measures basal body temperaturedetects abnormal bleeding and, of course, records your menstruation in a virtual calendar. Thanks to these detailed statistics, it can detect a health problem before you type the number on your gynecologist.


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