An Update for Prop Hunt X June Update is now officially released!
For now, the Prop Hunt X's version will be changed into "X2Z", following with the revision of "23/06/2022" - These includes new features, tweaks, and any other language options, as well as bug fixes that presents in previous X series.
Prop Hunt X2Z nows includes some new features that were implemented from PH:E as well as PH:Z. These includes:
Last Prop Standing: You're the only prop survive the round and make yourself turn against hunter by using a special weapon and survive to win!
Prop Decoy: Spawn a copy of your prop to trick hunters and steal their score once your decoy is destroyed!
Fake Taunts: Fools hunters by playing a replicated taunts on random props in the map! Doesn't count to any prop players, but this also applies to Prop Decoy as well!
Taunt Pitch & Tweaks: Play your favorite & Wacky taunts with Pitch support! It can be Randomized as well and can be used for your Fake Taunts too!
Besides of features, Prop Hunt X2Z also receive massive changes & fixes. You can read what are the changes here:
Downloads are available through GitHub Prop Hunt X2Z Repository or through a Steam Workshop. If you're subscribed from Steam Workshop, the update will be launched automatically.
[GitHub] :
[Steam Workshop]:
That's all for now and hope you have fun with new Prop Hunt: X2Z!