You're born for a God-given assignment

You're born for a God-given assignment

Apr 14, 2024

Your presence in this world isn't merely a consequence of your parents coming together; it's intricately woven into God's master plan, envisioned long before your parents were even born.

In His divine wisdom, God recognized that you would hold the key to solving a particular problem or filling a crucial need. That's why He brought you into existence and equipped you with unique talents and capabilities.

However, the forces of darkness often work to conceal or distort this inherent potential within you.

They might tempt you with the allure of a conventional job or a comfortable routine, leading you away from the path God has set for you. While employment has its place, God's ultimate purpose for you transcends merely being employed.

He wants you to tap into the reservoir of gifts He has bestowed upon you and use them to fulfill your true calling, the very reason for which you were born.

So, it's essential to discern God's plan for your life and align your actions and decisions with His purpose. By doing so, you not only unlock your full potential but also become a beacon of light, manifesting God's intended impact on the world around you.

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