I've had a bit of an uninspiring summer, it's the time of year I struggle with when it comes to my photography. I managed to get out a few times but nothing too special and there are certainly lots of gaps between trips out, a lot of it comes down to free time especially with 3 young children all on their school holidays as well and wanting as much family time as possible.
Getting a right balance between work family and photography has always been a bit of a struggle but I find as autumn draws closer mornings in our household are a bit slower so I tend to use this as my opportunity to get out. The last few weeks I have found I have been more inspired to get out and excited to get back out again, I've managed to put a few videos together the last couple of weeks and this morning I managed to get out for a nice walk down to the Beachy Head Lighthouse. It's not an easy walk but it's so worth it when the conditions are right, part of me wishes I had kayaked around to it today but I was a bit unsure of weather conditions first thing in the morning and didn't want to risk anything especially with camera gear if the weather changed suddenly.
However I had a very enjoyable walk albeit incredibly hot and sweaty but hopefully a nice selection of images from the ONDU pinhole camera when I finally get around to developing them. This shoot was also intended to be a review on the ONDU pinhole camera so hopefully it will all go together okay, as I have attempted to do two previous reviews on this camera and they did not go too well.