Similar Series

Similar Series

Sep 09, 2023

Image by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

Similar series like the entertainer of the decade, which is not gonna release its sequel or even the next season because the one you watched is the last season of the show. We all have been there where we have watched that one film or a series which totally makes us obsessed with it. And when you are done watching it, you are actually not. You want more of it, so you look for more movies or series like it on google or anywhere you can. But you can’t, and let’s say even if you do manage to find one which is anywhere near it or even close to it, it is never gonna be as great as the one you watched before. You see, that one gem which you enjoyed was THE masterpiece. It would take ages before they come up with such brilliant artwork ever again. So what are we left to do besides settling for what’s available. Because the temptation now has totally taken control, we are too far from fighting it now. So we watch the movie or series which is of the similar genre or whatever we were looking for but it’s the second best in its league and what are we gonna do we don’t have any other choice. I feel like I’m talking about some kinda drug.

Anyways, I remember when I had watched one such series which I had loved to the gates of hell. It had 10 seasons, all the characters were just lovely. Obviously, It made me feel that even I want to be a part of that life, wasn’t I already tho. Because if you think about it, you watch the series or that movie with a head space where it’s just you and the parallel universe you are watching. And for that lets say 3 hours or 8 hours you are gonna be having nothing but that universe in your head. You share all of it, your time, tough moments, happy moments of the characters, laugh, feel the cringe as the movie or series keep moving ahead. I mean who in this world from the 20th century or 21st century not once felt to be a part of Hogwarts, Pokemon and so on. When I was totally naive and unaware of this feeling the first time when I had experienced this feeling I had ended up depressed. I mean cinematically, it is very funny. Just take a look at the broader picture, some guy wants to start watching a tv show and he does so. And when he is done watching it he ends up being depressed, why. Because he doesn’t have any more episodes left to watch. Crazy, right. Facts!

It’s a feeling almost like, what am I gonna do after this. What’s my purpose, what is the meaning of all this. Dude I am not even kidding this feeling is as real as Daniel Day Lewis. But you know I have grown used to it. I don’t find it troublesome anymore. By the way, the legends who read it all, do let me know any such series or movies which made you feel the same, if any. Let me know if you found this blog relatable. Thanks for reading.

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