EP141 Odd Man Out ft. Nick Anderson

Dec 01, 2023

What made a white college kid from the midwest decide to move to the other side of the world to live in China?!

In this episode, we're joined by Nick Anderson, an LA-based Mandarin teacher who spent his formative young adult years living in China and other Asia-Pacific countries learning and teaching Mandarin.

We talk about what that experience was like, compounded with his experience coming out and living his best life as a gay man while abroad. Despite what many may think, Nick's experience being gay in China was overall quite positive - although, we discuss how that experience contrasts with local queer people who are more subjected to the local cultural norms, pressures, and regulations.

After his many years abroad and his ongoing work helping individuals, businesses, moviemakers, and more understand the Chinese culture and language, Nick continues to have a strong passion for and connection to Mandarin and the various cultures that the language bridges.

If you're interested in working with or connecting with Nick, check out his website, his Mandarin-based Discord community, and TikTok at the below links:


Follow us on Instagram at @whereareyoufrompod and on TikTok at @whereareyoufrompod

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