
May 08, 2022

Hi, and thanks for dropping by.

The Whaley Bridge Chronicle was established in 2021 as a resource for people to find out more about the village and what's going on within its honey-coloured stone borders.
The content is a mix of news stories, official notifications, events, promotion of local independent businesses and initiatives, job ads, arts and crafts, classes, wellbeing activities, sport, a bit of local history, and anything else we think will tickle your fancy.
The aim is to present the Chronicle as a mini newspaper; with its output a mix of original photos and copy and content shared from other sources. Basically, we look online or go out and about in person to round up interesting and useful things to share with you! Our focus is particularly on the positive aspects of life in the area: finding all that's good about the village and the people who make it their home. We especially want to shout about the lovely community projects and dedicated individuals who enhance and support village life.
Our coverage is mainly centred on Whaley Bridge, but can often extend to Furness Vale, Chinley, Taxal, Fernilee and Buxworth.
In the near future it's hoped that the hub will branch out from social media into a fully fledged online publication, with original features that place a spotlight on the many great things that go on in our beautiful corner of the Peak District.

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