There are other techniques that have their own names.
Stem stitch (стебловий шов) is used to make... stems!
Chain stitch (тамбурний шов) is widely used for a freeform patterns:
Straight stitch done in both directions (штапівка) is used for big transparent patterns:
Or for a certain parts of embroidery (contours, stems, etc.):
Toothing (зубцювання) is basically a lacing, then hemming the edge right on the lace, so the cuff of the sleeve is adorned with teeth.
(source with video tutorial)
Grain output (зерновий вивід) is a technique similar to nightingale's eyes, but less stitches are used, and the scale is smaller.
(source with video tutorial)
Pearl stitch (перловий шов) is used for tight filling a large areas and is used mostly in Western parts of Ukraine.
(source with video)
Braided chain stitch (ретязь) is very different from a chained seam shown above:
(source with video tutorial)
Chicken's ford (курячий брід) is used in geometrical elements and around other elements:
(source with video tutorial)
Curly stitch (кучерявий шов) creates uniform "roses" on the fabric, and it's also pretty protruding.
(source with video tutorial)