The Importance Of Connecting To Your Inner Child
By Jo Watt
Our connection with our inner child is so important. Why? Because our inner child is the more pure, innocent and magical aspect of ourselves.
When we can allow ourselves to play, be present and have a child-like sense of awe and wonder we can connect more with our Inner Child. When we have a deeper connection with our Inner Child we are able to reduce anxiety, increase our imagination and self expression, unblock our creativity and create more joy in our life.
To connect with your inner child you need to reconnect with the fascination of simple things and reconnect back to the present moment and allow yourself to have fun!
Ways to reconnect to your Inner Child:
Go and smash some plates. It’s great to get rid of anger for one, but it’s also a great exercise to have fun without feeling guilty of the attachment or outcome.
Get messy and jump in the mud or run around under the sprinkler. Do something messy that helps you let the inner perfectionist go.
Go outside and play. Go for an adventure in nature, play a game without having an attachment to the end result, go do something you used to enjoy as a kid, whether it was blowing bubbles or jumping on a trampoline.
Bake some cookies and lick the batter from the bowl.
Get creative! Paint, draw, make music, write. When we are creative we are in-tune with our inner child as that is where out imagination resides.
Dance like nobody is watching or sing at the top of your voice. As kids we never cared about how we danced or sang. We just did it because it made us happy.
Dress-up and be silly. Put a funny wig on, some high heels and lippy and enjoy the experience of just dressing up for fun!
Greet everything you see. Everything is energy, so when we acknowledge everything around us we can be grateful for it. As children we had wild imaginations and acknowledged everything around us.
All these exercises help bring out the inner child, but also quieten the inner perfectionist who just wants everything to be perfect. So once we have had some fun we are now in touch with our inner child.
Many of us have a wounded Inner Child because we stopped nurturing that side of ourself. Learning to nurture and allow your Inner Child to express and be heard is such an important act of Self Care. You can do Inner Child Meditations or Journal to connect to your Inner Child or just allow yourself to play and have fun. The relationship you have with your inner child is vital, so make sure you give that inner part of you some love too!
What ways do you like to connect with your inner child?
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