Voy Zan
27 supporters
Hi! 👋

Hi! 👋

Feb 18, 2021

Whether it is my YouTube endeavours or my coding that brought you here - I want to say: welcome!

Firstly though, I do what I do because I really love doing it and I feel that this way my life has more meaning. The biggest rewards are not material, and so I don't do what I do for material benefits. Therefore, I also don't expect you to show your support through donations - if you'd like to just say 'Great job Voy!', then do so without any guilt. I'm excited to talk to people who interact with what I produce, so please get in touch and I'd be very happy to talk to you and hear your story - for real!

That being said, if you find yourself in a good enough situation to support me financially too, then awesome! Thanks a mil! As you can imagine pushing out all the content I create takes a lot of time - on average 30 hours per video and over 2 months per software library - so your contribution helps me continue pursuing this path and deliver more of what you've already experienced and enjoyed. It may sound silly, but even that one cup of coffee makes me feel like I've got someone patting me on the back for the whole productive day. If you decide to do so, then thank you for being that person I can get the tangible support from.

In either case, thanks for popping in! Have an awesome day and stay safe wherever you are!

Thanks 😊 Voy

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