Young Riki Smith.

Young Riki Smith.

Nov 27, 2023

Hi guys,

Good day to you all. It's Monday today and time here is 9:12am. Well, I just want to share my artwork that I did on Friday/Saturday with you guys. At first I did the sketch and I was worried if I could get it colored correctly as I thought in mind. I even looked over some beautiful digital artworks and thought of using them as a reference, but I think every artist just has a way of depicting there artwork style and then there's also a series of level to reach when it comes to artwork.

You guys may be surprised to know that this is young Riki Smith. She may not have much resemblance compare to her current age presented in the first series of the manga.

But I still have so much to tell in the story and I will save the details to uncover them in the near future.

Well, after finishing the art as displayed is three of the same art but I had Abit of hard time deciding which one looks better, somehow I think the first looks better though.

Please let me know your thoughts on that in the comment section.

I love hearing your thoughts too and together we can bring the series t life.

Once more thank you so much for your support and donations, I am really grateful for it.

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