My new artwork of Bun and her dark side. We can clearly see it as she stares the mirror.
Maybe you do be surprised to know, indeed she's innocent, quiet and would rather play with her dolls than playing with other kids her age. She made her dolls her best friend,but has the most closest one to her which will be revealed in the future episode.
Hmmm, I will just say "Bun can be mysterious, and has a lot she's concealing from her family"
( A lot will be revealed in the future,if not in the first series)
About the artwork, I just want to show you guys the whole process, and then the first and second picture, I got stuck at deciding which one looks better. So please let me know in the comment section, I love hearing your thoughts as well.
Thank you so much for checking out the update and please don't forget about the wishlist campaign about helping to fund the first series. The little you can help with,is so much appreciate alot.