One of my favorite things about the 90's was Sarah McLachlan. As a fellow pianist/composer, I appreciated her style and loved that she was a female, about my age and who as well had a love for the piano. One of my favorite pieces of hers, if not my favorite, is "Angel", which she released in 1997. That was a significant year for me. I made a big decision which completely changed the course of my life, similar to what I'm focused on doing at this time, so it's no surprise this song has been around me a lot lately. Being one who has (near) perfect pitch and the ability to teach myself just about any song on the piano, I knew I had to learn this one back in the day. I've been playing it ever since.
As it waxes back into my life, words come along to be felt and reflected upon. Unless you're living on a remote island in a mansion totally detached from this reality, having either inherited or profited off of the backs of others, chances are your anxiety is up. Fear. Regardless of your political affiliation, we can all agree we the people are struggling, suffering. Unnecessarily.
We all know there is PLENTY for all of us.
P L E N T Y.
We all know that in the end, out in the Universe, NO ONE IS ABOVE ANOTHER.
But not everyone keeps those thoughts present. In this more than EVER competitive, pay to live, pay to survive reality, it is easy to get lost in anxiety and fear of not having enough, of not BEING or doing enough. God/Universe can tell you I wake up far too often now shaking with anxiety and fear. How will I make it? How will I provide for my girl? How can I rebuild my life and bring in the money I need? I have things to offer, gifts, my heart - but that isn't always enough. For me it hasn't been - but I never give up. I honestly don't know what has kept me going all these decades of holding such grand big visions only to see them remain just that - year after year.
Who knows. Maybe it's my Higher Self. Maybe it's my fierce Spirit or my deeply impatient nature (I am after all a redhead). Maybe - just maybe - it's an Angel or two out there. Watching over me. Comforting me as I lay in bed shaking, soothing my mind as the endless questions of doubt race around in it like chattering monkey's. It is in those moments that the Quiet comes in, and for just a few beautiful moments, I don't feel so alone. I feel watched over. Protected. And that no matter what b.s. this reality throws at me, that protection is always with me, reminding me to KEEP GOING. To never stop sharing my Heart.
Because that is what this world needs - desperately: HEART.
To all of my heart-based humans out there, as the lyrics say, by listening to this song, may you find some comfort here.
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