Victoria T
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It's (still) A Man's World

It's (still) A Man's World

Sep 05, 2024

Watching a tv show last night, a young man looks at a baby boy and says, "yeah you know it's your world, don't you?" I remember once, about 25 years ago, hearing a young boy out in the street, being very loud and vocal, ordering others around and thinking "deep down that young boy knows this is his world."

As James Brown sings, "it's a man's world."

Say what you want about feminism and how men suffer too - but at the end of the day it's still a man's world.

Or maybe a better term is it's a bullies world. It's a world that thrives on being tough and ruggedly individualistic. Competition. Survival of the fittest.

Just ask the young male tonight who, once I arrived home, I realized his car was blocking my driveway. His vehicle was out front, running. I waited a minute or two before rolling down my window and asking him if he could please pull forward a foot or two. His response surprised and scared me (it was night, and I was alone):

"No. I'm about to leave so you can just chill." And he didn't say "no" politely either.

Excuse me?

If that weren't enough, he put on his music, the kind that is loud and thumping. He clearly had attitude.

I could have stayed quiet (something we females often do when confronted by such toxic behavior) but I decided to ask again. "Yes and I have been sitting here waiting for you to see me so I am again asking you to please pull forward just a bit so I can pull into my driveway. You are blocking it."

His response was the same. "And I said no. I told you I'm about ready to leave."

I decided at this point to just wait.

Something has clearly gone wrong in some of the younger generation, or perhaps the truth is something has been wrong - for too long. In my neighborhood there's a young man of similar age who wrote an intimidating note to a nearby neighbor who is elderly and female. He has literally been parking so close to her, he has physically touched her car, bending her license plate. She asked him not to park so close and his response was "well don't park where you are, and I won't have to park so close to you."

Last I knew, the street was a public place and belongs to all of us. That means we share.

But for him and apparently this entity tonight, they think they own it all and are entitled to do whatever they want.

And let's be honest - they do. That mentality. That belief that "I'm male and I'll do whatever I want."

Not that women don't engage in that behavior as well - but often that's only because they've either had to for survival, or they were taught to be that way. Certainly, if they want to fit in and not just survive but also thrive, sometimes they have to play hard ball. As I've said before, feminism did nothing to change the system other than bring in a new wardrobe.

This "man's world" mentality has allowed for pay to live to become the only way to survive (as though we can't have something different? Big fat REALLY??!! on that one). It's allowed for mass discrepancy in incomes, poverty, filthy lies to be shared and spread as truth, and mass silencing of anyone who calls a spade a spade and who speaks out for something different. Like yours truly. I've been censored and hushed throughout my adult life.

You don't make change by allowing more people into the same room.

You change the damn room.

And it starts with seeing that no one comes here wanting to mistreat people. No Soul enters this realm wanting to bully or lie or compete just to survive.

All of this is learned.

We're all compromised whether we want to believe it or not.

It comes with the territory of being a human in this reality called earth.

And this "man's world" and all its systems knock us out of our Soul - making us forget who we really are.

But it is in the REMEMBERING - which is a choice - that we begin to question and truly walk the path of Jesus/God/Creator. Or whatever term you wish to use.

We call out injustice.

We step in and help when we see someone in need.

We listen to personal stories.

We offer hand outs and hand ups.

We collaborate on new ways of being/living/doing and realize TOGETHER we win. You know the saying, United we Stand - Divided we Fall. The systems are created to keep us divided. Divided by religious beliefs (when at the heart of all religions is simply kind, helpful and do good deeds just because). Divided by politics (which is a dirty game and no one ever truly wins). Divided by money (this person has more freedom and/or respect because of the amount of money they have.) Divided by individual talents and the false definition of value (you get paid X for this gift you have to offer but you get paid XXXXX for that) and even suffering (sorry you are in pain - you created at least some of the mess, so you get to lay in your own bed and clean it up).

It only continues because we allow it. I've long felt if Jesus were to return, he'd likely be treated the same way he was 2000 years ago - as a freak, an outcast - many would likely even label him as the anti-christ.

But wasn't he the first real truther? The original Neo who came to bust open the game and expose the truth about not only this reality but how God/Creator is in each of us?

I think so.

Tonight - I stood up for myself as best as I could.

Each day I write about the status quo, I question all narratives, I speak passionately about bringing in/creating a new world and remembering who we really are and who we are in it. Others around the world have joined in. We owe it to ourselves. We owe it to our children. Even the mis-guided young man above.

Are you ready to as well?



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