The Real Finucane Family

The Real Finucane Family

Jul 22, 2023

..This is the brother of Pat Finucane, Dermot Finucane, uncle of terrorist Sinn Fein's John Finucane, an Ex Republican Terrorist Prisoner , Blatantly displaying weapons & glorifying Terrorists with replicas of Irish nationalist terrorism.


PART 1 - Expose The Pat Finucane Centre once and for all and the IRA Finucane Family Dynasty.!

All credits go to a valued & close Member of VASU in the Northern Ireland Branch 

Like Sinn Féin it never mentions ANY of the thousands IRA’s Human Rights’ violations.?

When it comes to the self-styled Director of the Pat Finucane Centre, Paul O’Connor, he is unmasked as an IRA member who had involvement in the murder of another IRA volunteer in Londonderry, Jim O’Hagan. After which he went 'on the run' for several years. O’Connor was subsequently forced to make admissions in both The Irish News and The Irish Times about his hidden past, but only after the Pat Finucane Centre had made a statement hours earlier decrying the allegations as false and as part of a British or Loyalist attempt to discredit the Centre and its work.!

News Letter, 22.11.2019 - literally within hours of this denial, Paul O’Connor himself admitted to journalists that he had indeed been an IRA volunteer and that photographs of him in a group of armed IRA men in the Bogside were genuine. Paul O’Connor had for many years led a campaign highlighting so-called 'British and Loyalist human rights breaches' without substance or evidence while he masqueraded as a so-called trustworthy and independent 'human rights' activist gaining the ear of prominent politicians worldwide, especially within the Irish government. When photo's of Paul O’Connor armed with a rifle at an IRA checkpoint (Hoggs Folly in the Bogside or a transit van with IRA weaponry) did his funders demand that he stand down, No.?

Did they not similarly call into serious question his activities in the Pat Finucane Centre as a so-called Human Right's Organisation, No.?

Paul O’Connor for nearly 40 years hid his involvement in the murder of Jim O’Hagan, his involvement in gun and bomb attacks in Londonderry, his sworn allegiance to the IRA, a nefarious criminal cabal and the single greatest denier of Human Rights and Civil Rights in Northern Ireland. Also his sworn allegiance to the many lies required to be told by and on behalf of the IRA.

Paul O’Connor raised monies for this allegedly bona fide Human Right's Organisation, from governments and other bodies, while he hid his IRA credentials and was regularly seen and photographed in the company of well-known IRA leaders in Belfast and Londonderry.

Paul O’Connor was then interviewed as a credible star witness in 'Unquiet Graves' without any form of warning to viewers about his many years of dishonesty, double-life, secret bias and lies. He alone brings into question RTE credibility and also of RTE as an independent and ROI publicly-funded entity.

Should the viewers not have been warned of O’Connor’s lies, cover-ups and past.? Should the documentary makers not have warned viewers also of his hidden IRA past.? Why hasn’t there been interviews of the Pat Finucane Centre’s many Board Members about O’Connor’s dishonesty, lies and bias.?

Then not unsurprisingly the Irish Government said it would continue its funding of the Pat Finucane Centre without reconsidering its Director’s participation in IRA Human Rights and Civil Rights atrocities.?

But unbelievably it is also funded and sustained not just by the EU but by Stormont's Executive Office.???


PART 2 - Expose The Pat Finucane Centre and the IRA Finucane Family Dynasty.

Outlines a brief overview of Dermot Finucane's nefarious IRA crimes. How he avoided extradition from the ROI and its justice system & courts and how he eventually obtained an amnesty by Tony Blair...!

Pat Finucane – had three brothers – John, Seamus and Dermot – all three were prominent IRA members committed to the IRA’s sectarian 'blood lust' campaign of violence and to its belief that it had the authority and power to extinguish the Civil Rights and Human Rights of ALL its many victims, from babes in a pram to individuals made into human bombs.!

Dermot Finucane first and foremost was an IRA Human Right's Violator. He was arrested on February 7, 1981, the day after a 36-year-old police officer, Charles Lewis, was murdered coming out of a newsagent on Balmoral Avenue, Belfast. A second police officer was seriously wounded. Dermot was charged with the murder of Charles Lewis and remanded in custody. On May 22 Dermot was released after the DPP directed no prosecution ‘due to lack of corroborative evidence of identification’.

However, Dermot was arrested three months later on August 20, 1981, along with the infamous 'Bobby Storey' after a British Army patrol came under fire from a car. The RUC thereupon noticed a car with three men mount a footpath, saw a rifle in the car and fired on it. Dermot Finucane surrendered to the RUC and survives. Found in the car was a .223 AR15 semi-automatic and a .223 M16 A1 semi-automatic weapons. Dermot was later sentenced to 18 years imprisonment for possession of weapons with intent to endanger life.

It is noteworthy that far from an alleged ‘shoot to kill’ policy (which Sinn Fein continually allege) the RUC were continually arresting prominent IRA so-called volunteers in possession of guns and bombs and turning them over to the courts, again and again.! Whereas when the IRA abducted police, military and civilians, they always executed them, some of them after periods of torture!

While IRA prisoners had human rights and a string of lawyers, victims of the IRA got no such rights, lawyers or mercies, like Jean McConville a mother of 10, just one of the 1,700 innocents murdered by the IRA.

Dermot while serving his 18-year sentence participated in the IRA Maze Escape, in September 1983 during which it was recorded that HE stabbed several prison officers with a chisel. One officer James Ferris lost his life shortly after being stabbed three times during the Maze escape. Dermot Finucane was subsequently arrested in Annagh, Longford, in the Republic of Ireland on November 23, 1987, and one of the warrants was for the murder of James Ferris.

He fought some extradition hearings and eventually the Irish Supreme Court ruled that his offences were political, not criminal, and he should NOT be extradited to Northern Ireland.! Quite unbelievable or was it.?

After almost 20 years of living free in the Republic of Ireland, Dermot was one of nearly two hundred IRA hardcore members who were gifted amnesties by Tony Blair’s Labour government and he was able to return to Northern Ireland a free man, without having to return to the Maze prison to serve any of his unserved sentences following his earlier escape.? In June 2014 the DUP stated the On-the-run letters must be ‘null and void’ however, we all still await this commitment to be delivered?

Dermot Finucane when on to be a grateful recipient and holder of such a letter, a British Amnesty. In the book, 'A Secret History of the IRA', Ed Moloney wrote: 'Pat Finucane, who had been Bobby Sand's solicitor, was the principal defence lawyer for arrested IRA suspects in Belfast, and his family was steeped in republican activity. A brother John was killed on IRA active service in a car crash in 1972; another brother, Dermot, was on IRA GHQ staff, and a third brother, Seamus, was on the Belfast Brigade staff'..!

They may well be given so-called ranks within a nefarious criminal cabal but they were individuals who were part of a sectarian 'blood lust' organisation whose only aim was to bomb and murder.

Note: the Pat Finucane Centre chooses NOT to investigate IRA’s Human Rights violations over 30 years, of murders, bombings, abductions, torture, punishment beatings, punishment shootings, human bombs and the disappearance of civilians.! ? Like Sinn Féin and 'Relatives for Justice' (another so-called Human Rights Group) they never mention ANY of the thousands IRA’s Human Right's violations - yet, Stormont (with the consent of Unionists) continues to provide funding via The Victims and Survivor's Service.! ??


PART 3 - Exposing The Pat Finucane Centre and the IRA Finucane Family Dynasty.

Outlines a brief overview of Pat Finucane's brothers John and Seamus Finucane and their IRA activities

Pat Finucane’s brother John Finucane was a so-called 'section leader in the 1st Battalion of the IRA.  

He was arrested and interned on 29 February 1972 for four months. Within three weeks of being released, he was 'killed in action' in a hijacked car when it crashed into a lamppost at Beechmount of the Falls Road, Belfast.

He and the other dead occupant of the car, Anthony Jordan, were claimed by the IRA as members in The Irish News death notices at the time.

It should be noted the modus operandi, MO or method of denial if an individual is accused of being in the IRA is outlined in their green book; deny, don't admit membership, don't tell your family, friends, girlfriends or workmates. Something their El Supremo, Gerry Adams, has enacted and demonstrated over his lifetime.! Why, because the IRA is a Proscribed Organisation and it would compromise so-called operations and volunteers.

However, for reasons only to advance their terrorist insurgency (or like McGuiness or Gerry Kelly who had IRA convictions in a court of law) they only occasionally disclose an individual's IRA membership. John Finucane's death notices did confirm his membership and indeed his mother's actual comments to the Sinn Fein publication An Phoblacht on learning of her son's death (on 'active service') did also validate this assertion. In so doing they (the family) affirmed the accuracy of the RUC’s intelligence was spot on in regards to arresting and interning John Finucane 4 months previously!

Pat Finucane’s brother Seamus Finucane also came to the notice of the RUC and was arrested and detained on September 18, 1973, at the age of 16. At the time Sinn Fein moved to support him and called for schools to be closed and the blocking of streets in protest. Again within months of being released Seamus Finucane was arrested following the IRA bombing of Balmoral furniture factory in Dunmurry after which shots were fired at the RUC. He along with three others were captured, the infamous 'Bobby Sands', Joe McDonnell and Sean Lavery, they left behind two of their wounded comrades Seamus Martin and Gabriel Corbett. The bombing of Balmoral furniture company took place five years after an IRA murderous bomb attack on the Balmoral furniture shop on the Shankill Road in December 1971 when they murdered two babies, 17-month-old Colin Nichol, 2-year-old Tracey Munn and also 70-year-old Hugh Bruce and 29 year Harold King. (They kill babies, don't they..fact.!)

Importantly, when Sinn Fein cries collusion, collusion as they overtly brainwash and radicalise the next generation of young nationalists well-known IRA bombers and gunmen such as Seamus Finucane and Bobby Sands having fired on the RUC were arrested and brought before the courts contrary to Sinn Fein false allegations of a shoot-to-kill policy by the security forces!

Unlike the IRA's cold-blooded murder of innocents, hundreds of IRA terrorist's were arrested brought before the courts and sentenced many availed of 50% remission, early release under the Belfast Agreement and some even obtained Royal Pardons (such as Gerry Kelly) or OTR letters.!

If the RUC, Ulster Defence Regiment or the British Army had ever really practised a 'shoot to kill' Seamus Finucane, Bobby Sands along with hundreds of IRA terrorist's would have been wiped out in a matter of weeks. These facts dispel the so-called collusion and shot to kill allegations as pure republican myth, IRA/SF falsehoods, deception and lies.

On September 6, 1977, Seamus Finucane was sentenced to 14 years in prison for possession of firearms with intent to endanger life. He was in the news again later when he attended the Gibraltar inquest in 1988 into the shooting of 3 IRA would-be car bombers by SAS soldiers. Newspaper reports described him as the former fiancé of IRA member Mairead Farrell, one of those shot dead by the SAS. Again, Seamus Finucane was in the news in more recent times in 2014 when an IRA sexual abuse victim Maria Cahill claimed that he was one of those who carried out an 'Internal IRA Investigation' she stated she was forced to confront the alleged IRA man who allegedly raped her, Martin Morris. At the time Seamus posted a link on his Facebook page to a blog that described Maria's alleged rapist as a man 'whom many a 16-year-old would likely fancy'. IRA membership charges against Seamus Finucane were subsequently dropped.!

Note: the Pat Finucane Centre chooses NOT to investigate IRA’s Human Rights violations over a 30-year period, which include 1,700 murders, thousands of bombings, abductions, punishment beatings, punishment shootings, human bombs and the disappearance of civilians.?

Like Sinn Féin and also a so-called human rights group 'Relatives For Justice' they never mention ANY of the thousands IRA’s Human Right's violations.?  

The 'Pat Finucane Centre' together with 'Relatives For Justice' continue to receive funding from the ROI, EU and Stormont's Executive Office.!?


PART 4 - Exposing The Pat Finucane Centre and the IRA Finucane Family Dynasty.

References Pat Finucane's mum and his son John, Lawyer, MP and Captain of Lamh Dhearg GAA senior team.

Pat Finucane’s mother, Kathleen, on hearing of the death of her son John on 28th June 1972 whilst on active service for the IRA - Did she say 'I was shocked and horrified that my son was involved with the IRA', No.?

- Did she state 'above all, I never wanted him to join a terrorist organisation which would take a human life under any circumstances, No.?

Kathleen did, however, go on to state in An Phoblacht expressing pride in her dead son John, who 'gave his life' on behalf of the IRA.! Quite shocking to say the least.  

Equally, her grandson John Finucane tries literally to ride two horses when he's double jobbing as a Lawyer and also a Sinn Fein MP.  

He also chooses to never question, challenge or highlight the thousands of IRA bombings and murders. Just like his associates within Sinn Féin across Northern Ireland and beyond, they never mention ANY of the thousands IRA’s Human Rights violations.?  

Has John Finucane MP called for investigations into the 338 of his Catholic, co-religionists murdered by the IRA, No.?

Does John call for investigations into the IRA 'Human Bombs' when individuals where physically strapped to high explosive devices which murdered innocents and caused multiple casualties, No.?

Or called for Investigations how this tactic was adopted by the FARC in Colombia (having received training by the IRA), remember the 'Colombia Three' who fled before the court passing 17yr sentences, in absentia? They subsequently turned up and lived freely and openly in ROI, No.?

The human bomb tactic was later used by other terrorist groups such as Palestinian militants, the Islamic State, the rebels in the Syrian Civil War and by al-Qaeda on the 9/11 USA, World Trade Centre.!

This is what John Finucane said in 2018 giving an address at the Ardoyne's Easter commemoration to the IRA.

"comrades… we also send a message loud, clear and unambiguous to our Taoiseach Leo Varadkar… generation of Gaels, of socialists, feminists and nationalists… The orange state is gone, and will never return. The perpetual unionist majority in the north has ended and ended for good. This did not just happen, for this was a direct result of the sacrifice, resilience, leadership and activism of republicans everywhere, and embodied by this very community I am proud to stand with
today… Building on the work of Gerry Adams, Martin McGuinness and others… Go raibh mile and up the rebels"..?  

Is this John’s version of outreach, equality respect and integrity to Unionists and IRA Victim's.?  

However, the Finucane's in general and John Finucane MP in particular greatest duplicity and hypocrisy is when they refer on many occasions to his father as having been an “officer of the court” why he should not have been murdered but then go on to ignore ALL of the other Officers of the Court who were murdered.!?

How can the Finucane's possibly ignore ALL of these murders of 'Officers of the Court' their families, some murdered at home by the IRA in front of wives and children – some murdered by the IRA as they came out of Church.??

What an incredible series of omissions by a Westminster MP and a so-called Human Rights Lawyer.!  

If John Finucane is declaring that the Pat Finucane campaign is NOT about solely one man, then why is there no evidence of him or his family members ever having campaigned for or having ever even mentioned the other murdered 'officers of the court' and indeed all 1,700 murdered by the IRA and calling for independent public inquiries into their murders.??


As you can see clearly above the only 2 interests the Pat Finucane & Madden Solicitors have in legacy cases is 

££££ for the Republican Cause through legal aid & big pay outs from Britain.

To Secure that Republican Terrorists Stay on Sinn Feins path by continuously chasing Elderly Veterans to their death beds with non stop Witch - Hunts using the grief of families effected and the promise of Justice & big pay outs ££££££ from Britain 

On closing this blog We “ VETERANS & SUPPORTERS of Veterans must realise that those within the Houses of Commons & Lords have no interest in our Armed Forces only titles & ££££ nor our Elderly Veterans whom they often use as pawns in this game of Chess & ultimately with continual Betrayal time & time again they do side deals with the very Terrorist  they sent us against .!.





“ Come For One - Come For All ” Q.S

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