Word Peaks Update!

Word Peaks Update!

Apr 09, 2024

Hey everyone! This is my first time making a post here. I can't believe I have 22 followers - that's a lot for a small-timer like me.

Word Peaks has been updated! I realize you're not all Word Peaks players, but you're all a part of making this happen. I'm excited to present The Landscape Update

The old "line graph" visual next to your guesses has been replaced by a delightful landscape of peaks, ponds, and trees. These features are generated from your guesses, so everyone gets a unique little world based on their own guesses. Try tapping or clicking on it, too!

Another big update is simplifying the "end screen" by integrating it into the main view. This lets you review and share your results (or your landscape!) all in one place. You can even expand the landscape view, and replay it springing to life again!

I've also added a long-requested stats import/export page, which can be found in the Stats screen.

Play Word Peaks here: https://vegeta897.github.io/word-peaks

I hope you enjoy the updates. Your support and kind words are huge motivators for me! I love making cool things and I love when people enjoy them as much as I do.

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