Vanessa Vella
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Ready, Willing, and Able Scales

Ready, Willing, and Able Scales

Oct 18, 2021

When you’re setting a goal, it’s always a good idea to take stock of how ready, willing, and able you feel as you’re starting out. That will increase your odds of following through and being successful!

The Able Scale

The first thing to check in with is your ability to do the thing. Ability exists on a continuum and certainly skills can be learned, and sometimes they need to be (and that takes time!) If I decide I’m going to take up archery, then I want to learn some techniques so I don’t literally shoot myself in the foot 🏹

Sometimes we just aren’t able to do certain things. If I decide I’m going to be more productive by working for 12 hours a day, 6 days a week, ideally checking myself here will elicit the awareness that whenever I’ve tried that before, it’s only possible for a few weeks and then I end up burnt out because humans aren’t built to sustain that sort of schedule. That’s good awareness to have if it leads to a different, and better, way to achieve the goal 💡

The Willing Scale

Often our goals are based more on other people’s expectations and beliefs than our own. Quitting smoking is a good example of this. Everyone thinks it’s a good idea, so it is, right? Maybe not 🤯

If you’re not truly willing to do the work to achieve your goal, you’ll be less likely to follow through. Undone goals become nagging ‘shoulds’ that rattle around in our brains reminding us how much we suck at that thing (unhelpful!) If you do get started, the risk of relapse is high. Choosing a starting point you’re willing and, ideally, enthused about is key to following through! 🤩

The Ready Scale

Readiness has less to do with skills (ability) and motivation (willingness) and more to do with planning. Maybe there is some stuff you need to acquire or set up or eliminate or otherwise adjust to make it more likely for you to succeed with your goal. Want to cook more? Do you have pots and pans and knives and… food? If not, better get some first! 🛒

Getting ready is an often overlooked part of starting a new goal. Everything is easier when we are properly prepared, and making it easy to succeed is key for sustaining effort over time 📋

How do you make sure you’re approaching your goals in a way that makes success more likely? Share your ideas in the comments! 👇

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