The Value in Facing Fear

The Value in Facing Fear

Mar 11, 2023

By: Uncle🌞Matthew

Once you face your fears, you will realize there is was nothing really to be afraid of it. It was manufactured in your own

mind. This is an individual process that begins with identifying and acknowledging our fears. 

Healing is a process of continually faces your fears as removing masks and stepping towards our true authentic self is a fear-facing process. 

There is fear in the unknown. 

We live in a world where people seek comfort and security. It is more about avoiding whatever it is that brings us fear. Safety is often an illusion, and the release of a fear is far more powerful than building walls to protect us from it.

Pause for a moment and think of something that scares you. It might be a person or situation. What lengths do you go to avoid them? Imagine if that fear was faced and it was no longer a fear? Would that change your life.

Some people live with few fears and others live with plenty. List your fears and face them. You will find fears that you never knew you had. If you live with persistent anxiety, then you live your life full of potential things to be afraid of. 

Why do we fear something? Often because of the pain we assume will follow. We are conditioned to expect this pain. Once we face it and learn that pain either doesn’t follow or sent there for long, that changes. 

Leaving a toxic group and going into no contact mode was a huge fear of mine. It was something I dreamed of doing for a long time, but I didn’t have the ability to say no for fear of consequences. I had a fear i wasn't strong enough to exist without toxic abusers. 

This was an example of an irrational fear. Once faced, my life improved dramatically.  It was a false programmed fear that prevented me from living my life in the way I saw fit. Instead I lived my life under the design and wishes of others.

As you learn to heal your emotional wounds, you will desire to heal more wounds.  It’s similar to facing fears. You want to heal them all and be healed. With fears you want to face them all and be fearless.

I used to have a lot of social fears. I was afraid of going places and running into people I didn’t particularly enjoy, and feel obligated to talk to them. This fear doesn’t touch me anymore. If I see someone I know and I don’t want to talk to them, I don’t. I have no social fears.

Becoming great and stepping into your power can be a fear. This is the unknown. We feel good about our growth and progress,nand how we feel on the inside, but them remain quiet. Out of fear of mistakes or moving back into the dark spaces. 

Once you transcend the fears of pain and death, what do you fear. The most common fear is the thoughts, opinions, judgements and beliefs of others. But once you stop measuring your worth in the eyes of others, you call your sovereignty back.

There is nothing to fear, this lifetime is but if a blink of the eye. Fear is the lowest vibrational state. We raise in vibration by facing fear, and once you face them you will realize there was nothing ever to fear. 

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