WIP - Centauri Octurion Battleship

WIP - Centauri Octurion Battleship

Sep 28, 2023


I'm still slowly working through the remaining Centauri and Narn ships getting them modeled, and decided to start working on the hull form for the Centauri Octurion Battleship.

These larger ship models always take me awhile to get right, because I start by roughing out the basic shape of the ships, and then go back in and make adjustments, add details, etc. Often, I end up going back and deleting entire sections of the ship in order to redo them once I have a better idea of what the shape of the ship should be.

In the case of the Octurion, we have the original artwork from the War of Retribution supplement for reference (see below). This art isn't that great, but it gives us a starting point to build from in figuring out what the model should look like. We also have the physical pewter miniatures that Agents of Gaming produced, which takes its own liberties with the original design in the interests of making sure the product could be produced in a physical form.


My version of the Octurion is going to try to capture the major elements of the original design, but I am likely to take some liberties with the design (much as I do with all the rest) in the interests of doing something that I can produce with the tools I have available that will actually print successfully.

These larger ships often take me a couple of weeks to finish, because I work on them in starts and stops. The Primus took probably two months of slowly tweaking it and making changes until I felt it was ready to be printed, and I have a feeling the Octurion will offer a similar challenge.

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