Two Queens True Crime

Two Queens True Crime

Feb 12, 2024

From the Two Queens True Crime blog's 'Welcome' page;

Welcome True Crime Aficionados! And welcome to those of you who have found yourselves inexplicably at this exact place on the internet with little to no idea how you got here. Don’t worry, it happens to the best, and worst, of us. Several months ago I found myself on a webpage called ‘Cat Bounce’ and it’s definitely becoming a problem, apparently it has been going since 2012 so it appears I am not the only one.

Anyway, my addiction to watching cats bounce around my computer screen is not why most of you are here. Hopefully the reason you are here is because you have an interest in true crime and enjoy consuming true crime content in a healthy and balanced way, like getting out in the fresh air every now and again and appreciating the beauty of our world. It’s important, I promise.

Here at Two Queens, you can find shorter reads, a summary if you will, of victims, perpetrators and crimes under the section named ‘Portraits’. But if you’re looking for something that requires, nay demands, that you curl up with several snacks and your favourite tipple, then head over to ‘The Full Story’, where I take a more in-depth look into a particular case.

Whilst us humans have always been weirdly fascinated with the world of true crime, and I don’t think that will go away anytime soon, the grey area about creating content around other human’s tragedy is continually discussed. It is also something I am trying to navigate as I grow my own little corner of the internet, for now I am choosing to focus on older crimes, currently the most recent you can find here is in the 1990’s. And yes, I suddenly felt incredibly old when I realised that was thirty years ago.

With all that being said, I hope you enjoy your time here. Sadly this Queen still needs her full time job, but makes every effort to write whenever she can. I have a ‘To Research’ list as long as both my arms put together, longways not next to each other, which is indeed a tricky move for your average human, and I am determined to work my way through it.

Stay safe TCA’s x

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