Burning compost briquettes

Apr 13, 2023

As we start thinking of later nights and enjoying the Spring sunshine. The heating is on less and the Log burner gets to heat our home on its own. In amongst warming the house up I'm doing trials on the briquettes I make out of my waste woodust and shavings. 


This week I'm comparing three batches of my briquettes. Batch 1, 4 and 6. And the really interesting one for me is that no6.

You see no6 was roughly 50% Coffee grounds and 50% Wood shavings but, the mix was left for about 3 weeks I think. (I would have to check my little red book to get accurate details) And in that time the conditions were so right that it actually looked like soil. Yes it was like compost.
Anyhow please watch the video. Let me know what you think.

watch now
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