From Root to Crown: How My Spirit Guide ...

From Root to Crown: How My Spirit Guide Assisted My Kundalini Rising

Aug 29, 2024

A Wonderful Story of Assistance Given from The Higher Realms. This happened to me on a day just like any other.

Before we start the story, I will share-

What is Kundalini Rising?

Kundalini rising refers to a spiritual experience in which an individual’s dormant energy, known as kundalini — is awakened and rises upward through the chakras or energy expression pathways of the body.

This energy is likened to a sleeping coiled snake… a charge of energy, located at the base of the spine.

… so strong it had the strength/force to push my body forward during an invigorating breathing meditation.

But I digress-

According to Wikipedia, In Hinduism, Kundalini is a form of Divine Feminine energy believed to be located at the base of the spine (the root chakra).

It’s an important concept in Shaiva Tantra where it is believed to be a force or power associated with the Divine Feminine or the formless aspect of the Goddess.

This energy in the body, when cultivated and awakened through tantric practice, is believed to lead to spiritual liberation.

This liberation is known to lead to a state of heightened consciousness and spiritual awakening.

It’s also found in the teachings of other ancient spiritual traditions, such as Taoism and Buddhism.

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In the West, interest in kundalini rising has grown in recent years as part of the broader interest in spirituality and alternative healing practices.

Many modern practitioners of yoga, meditation, and other spiritual modalities seek to awaken their kundalini energy as a means of achieving spiritual growth and enlightenment.

For me, though, I kind of stumbled onto my Kundalini Awakening or so it seemed.

… as I’m sure the whole process was guided by my higher self.

I was just so completely unaware (consciously) of any spiritual practices that would assist in awakening my kundalini as it wasn’t on my radar at that time.

In fact, kundalini rising or any other purposeful spiritual awakening wasn't the point of my meditation practice.

My focus was on the breath.

Deep continuous breathing assisted me in keeping my mind quiet.

It was invigorating my body with oxygenated energy and I found it very rejuvenating… and also an excellent way to end my morning routine.

Every morning after exercising (Zumba) I would start my meditation.

I practiced deep breathing techniques that mimicked a figure eight pattern.

It was a breathing meditation that I adopted earlier from a very informative weekend seminar attended years before.

My whole body would tingle from this strong current of oxygenated energy.

So this day I began just like any other morning.

I sat on the carpet with my legs folded underneath me, a comfortable position for me.

After breathing for 20 minutes or so, I felt a force of energy push my body forward so strongly that I looked to see what was behind me.

I stared down at the carpet waiting to see where it was coming from.

The push forced my body forward again and again as I was breathing and every time I would look back waiting to see what it was.

… I was staring even.

See what?

I wasn’t sure, but, it was palpable and very surreal.

Disturbed and confused … I decided to end my breathing session early that day as my usual routine would last for at least 45 minutes.

After going upstairs, I decided to focus on other things.

But that didn’t last long.

… as I was guided to sit down at the dining room table.

It was suggested by my spirit guide to start my breathing routine again.

So I began and just as I was breathing in this figure-eight pattern I knew I would have access to assistance.

But, I was perplexed as I couldn’t figure out what assistance was needed.

The urging to ask was persistent though.

So, I agreed in the affirmative.

To what I wasn’t sure, but with that, I felt a slight touch on my abdomen (solar plexus chakra).

This touch led to the rising of a strong energetic surge that rose from my solar plexus and continued to climb.

I later determined that with my figure-eight breathing, my kundalini energy was able to rise to my solar plexus.

This is where it remained, stuck and unable to continue its upward climb.

As my kundalini moved and rose I could feel energy popping (felt like an uncorking of a bottle) when it was at the center of each subsequent chakra.

So when it reached my heart chakra, it was the same.

However, the feeling of this uncorking was much stronger than the others, it was ecstatic.

It was such a wonderful feeling to expel this stuck, densified energy.

It was a release I didn’t even know was needed.

My kundalini continued to rise with this uncorking of densified energy-

To each one of my chakras… to my throat chakra, then my third eye chakra, and finally to my crown chakra.

This energetic surge moved around the entire circumference of my crown chakra (skull).

The energy was so strong, it felt like I was getting electrocuted in my head.

It seemed like it lasted for minutes even though it was more like seconds.

It was unlike anything I had ever felt before or since.

While I was unaware (consciously) of what my breathing meditation would lead to, I do feel that everything happens according to plan.

Your plan and mine, as we are the authors of our own stories.

Listen to yourselves… deeply and intently and you too will have guided assistance on your spiritual awakening journey.

With Tons of Love, Honor and Appreciation for our Kundalini Rising,

© TT Andromeda❤️

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