Aug 27, 2024

Humanity/Molecular Structure/Upgrades

What Changes Will This Change Usher in For Humanity? Discover The Future Expression of Incarnated Beings of Light

“We know today that man, essentially, is a Being of Light and the modern science of photobiology … is presently proving this.

We are still on the threshold of fully understanding the complex relationship between light and life, but we can now say emphatically, that the function of our entire metabolism is Dependent on Light.”…

-Dr. Fritz Albert Popp, Physicist and Researcher

All Images Created on Canva

The human body is primarily composed of four main elements: oxygen (O), carbon ©, hydrogen (H), and nitrogen (N).

These elements make up the majority of the body’s molecular composition, including proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and lipids.

Oxygen is a crucial element for respiration and energy production, while carbon serves as the structural backbone for organic molecules.

Hydrogen is involved in various biological reactions and is an integral component of water, while nitrogen is a fundamental element in proteins and nucleic acids, such as DNA and RNA.

While the functionality of all of these elements is essential for a healthy thriving human in the lower creational realities… the expression of our divinity requires us to evolve.

The changes that are now underway will allow for full mental expression of what’s understood as extrasensory perception.

It will also allow more of the highly charged energetics of your Soul’s Essence to descend into your organic structure.

In my spiritual awakening process, I’ve come to understand that we are living our daily lives unaware of ourselves.

Expressing ourselves through a mechanism (chakra system) that’s limited and misconfigured for full spherical expression of the vastness of self.

As we’re a mix of highly evolved Beings of Light, Angelic beings, and Star beings.

Note: In this writing, I touch only on three types of beings currently expressing themselves on our Great Mother Earth.

Although, in the multiverse, there are no limitations to the Expression of Self.

Indeed, this human experience offers a rich tapestry of diversity of organic expression —

So the question is Why?

Why would highly evolved beings of light choose to limit themselves and settle for the expression of a very small fraction of what they could express if only they had access to their DNA?

Well, they didn’t choose this particular limitation of Self as this model of expressed human was and is what’s offered after a calamity of horrendous proportion transpired.

And because of this… a fall in consciousness occurred and these same beings had to start over.

They had little choice but to reincarnate into bodies that were inadequate for their expression.

Remembering absolutely nothing of who they were or who they currently are.

You see, once upon a time — there were highly evolved Beings of Light expressing themselves on our world.

Their technological savvy was far beyond anything our most highly-performed science fiction movies have to offer.

Their colonies were thriving and they lived lives that any one of us would love to live today.

Their elemental makeup included a crystalline molecule, made of silica, instead of the carbon element present in this model of human being.

Currently, though, humanity is undergoing an upgrade that will allow for Full Spherical Expression of Self.

… as the carbon molecule is reconfiguring itself from the infusion of highly charged particles of light emanating from the center of our galaxy.

And this will allow for the reconfiguration from carbon to silica-

So, I don’t have to go into detail about what you get with the limited expression of self that only allows for 5–10% access to our brains

… a very small percentage within the carbon element that’s for sure.

Just take a look at the behavior of this model of humanity, just a quick look.

  • Competition

  • Division

  • Strife

  • Lack of Honor and Duty for our World

  • Survival of the fittest

  • Consumption of the Dead

Our current expression of self — supports disharmony, conflict, you against me, and the like.

All Images Sourced from and/or created on Canva

Instead of helping one another, the majority of people will turn away from anyone or anything they feel doesn’t concern them.

This behavior is the complete opposite of the Oneness of who we truly are…

I’m sure there are other qualities you could add to this list but we’ll stop here.

My experiences have allowed me a glimpse into who I AM and with this also came the understanding of who I AM not.

I will share where I AM now in my Expression of Self.

For me, it all started years ago at the beginning of my conscious spiritual awakening.

What we know as ESP is how I express myself and communicate in the multiverse.

In this current year 2024 —

I can communicate with the higher light of who we are.

I can communicate with the collective of humanity far into what we understand as the future.

I can see who we really are and just FYI we are magnificent… extremely beautiful to behold.

One day I realized I understood the Angelic Beings who were/are around me.

I could/can feel them clearing my energy expression pathways (chakras/meridians) of mental and emotional debris.

It felt/feels like the weight of a ton of bricks being lifted off my shoulders — a weight that I didn’t know was there.

Try to imagine that, something you can’t see with your eyes, but you can feel as physical.

My feeling sense has expanded exponentially… it was one of the first activated abilities to come online for me.

The impressions that I get from their motions are amazing… it’s a mixture of visual and sensory awareness at its fullest.

I use my insight to see their movements and for me… it’s no different than using my physical eyes to see.

They are My team, My family-

Assigned to me by the higher light of who I AM.

In the clearing of my energy expression pathways —

I’ve descended so much of myself into my body that it’s allowed me full communication with Beings Made of Light.

… and the light signature and information that comes with being a highly evolved being of light incarnated.

With this, I can read the light (energetic signature) that permeates within and around every living thing.

I can communicate with my Soul’s Matrix from whence I’ve come… the highest of high, my Soul’s Monad. (see article)

Which is The Violet Ray Frequency Band, The Angelic Realms.

I can even communicate with higher-dimensional versions of myself. A version of self that’s done clearing and is expressing as a highly evolved being of light in organic form.

Another version of me fully expressed when My Team’s task of clearing my brain and energy pathways is complete.

I can communicate with Lady Gaia (Mother Earth), different locations on Earth and everything that makes it up, animals, trees, mountains, water (within my body and Mother Earth), aquatic beings, Sol (our sun), our solar system, planets, nebulae and beings throughout the multiverse, etc.

I’ve also recently realized I can communicate with butterflies🦋… how absolutely wonderful!

Because of the brain wave differential while my body is sleeping vs when I’m awake —

Sometimes when I awaken in the night I can feel the highly charged light particles that now permeate my brain.

It’s very exhilarating.

This Highly Charged Brainwave Functionality will govern my entire body when My Team completes their task of clearing my brain and Energy Expression Pathways

It’s something I AM looking forward to experiencing that’s for sure!

So my Brothers and Sisters… hang in there, we got this y’all.

I love you guys so much!

I Am so happy with what I’ve witnessed of us.

We are so awesome, so wonderful… words failed me when I was honored a glimpse.

Stay true to yourself and ask your higher self for assistance.

Even if you don’t feel anything in that moment of asking… believe me when I say you heard yourself and that you should expect assistance.

It will come!

With Tons of Love, Honor and Appreciation for our Molecular Transformation,

© TT Andromeda❤️

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