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Jul 08, 2021

A little over a week ago I got a severe bladder infection. I couldn't hardly pee it hurt so bad. On top of that and I have no explanation for this, but I lost all motor function in my legs. I couldn't walk. When you have to pee like a Russian race horse, how do I get to the bathroom. I know TMI. LOL I stayed in bed for several days while treating with Mexican Antibiotics (my wife insisted) and MMS. When we go to Mexico we buy many bottles of Antibiotics for $5 a bottle. Costs over $70 here in the states. I don't understand that.

I couldn't even pick up the computer or post anything. I was just too sick. I haven't been able to eat in over a week. The nausea. My wife wanted to take me to the VA, but I said no. I know exactly what they would do. My wife asked could I have had a stroke. I said no, this is not a symptom of a stroke. Besides, 20 years of chelation it is impossible for me to have a stroke. I am also very careful about contact with the vaxed. We are both stupefied about the loss of motor function in the legs.

We had to extend a stay at a campsite in the Blue Ridge mountains. Yesterday was the first day I had the return of motor function in my legs. My right leg worked fine, my left leg hurt to walk on and almost took me to the ground. I told my family I was going to pull my self up by the bootstraps and move campsite.

My 9 year old son told me not to worry about anything because he had helped my hook and unhook so many times, he knew exactly what to do. God bless him. We have a 37 foot trailer with a bunkroom for our three young children and two bathrooms, one for them and one for us. I was able to drive no problem, but walking was still an issue because my left leg would not support my weight. I have lost probably 20 pounds. I am still 30 pounds overweight. I have lost a lot of weight. Not the best way to lose, but hey, I will take it anyway I can get it. I am still not hungry.

My wife has these chocolate nutrient drink called Orgain organic Nutrition. I drink two a day. It has helped a lot. Still on 8 drinks MMS a day.

I drove for 4 hours to get to the next campsite. That was a chore. My wife navigated. My brain just isn't clear enough to do it by myself.

I have been in bed for the last several days, but yesterday I was good enough to drive.

Today, I was well enough to get on the computer and tell you wonderful Patriots what was going on. I appreciate and love every one of you. Sorry I have not posted, but now you know why.

Please give me another 2 or 3 days to recover to be able to post. I will be fine. Thank God for the gift of MMS.

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