🏰 Great News from the Battlefield! 🏰

🏰 Great News from the Battlefield! 🏰

Dec 22, 2023

Hey Warriors of Trollgame Community!

🏰 Great News from the Battlefield! 🏰

Thanks to the heroic efforts of our incredible supporters, our medieval kingdom will continue to thrive and battle until the 1st of March! Your support has been like a mighty shield against the siege of financial woes.

A massive shoutout to our valiant heroes: smuleblid, old_mannn, hotb0y, ChivalrousRoaminKnight, NOCTURNE, peppelau, Saddoveanu, Butze, Traitor522 πŸ›‘️. Your generosity has not only saved our castle but has also inspired tales that will be told for ages. We send you our best wishes and hope your swords stay sharp and your steeds swift!

But, brave warriors, the war is not yet won. Our kingdom still needs your strength and support. While one-time aid is like a powerful catapult, a monthly support subscription is the steady supply line that keeps our fortress strong. Your ongoing support can be our unbreachable wall!

Since December 2023 each monthly support subscriber will automatically get supporter rank in our Discord channel, thanks to Buymeacoffee & Discord integration. Also, if you did 25 eur or more in 2023, just PM me and get the supporter rank!

Even the smallest contribution can forge a big difference. It's not just about keeping the server alive; it's about keeping our community's spirit soaring high!

Together, we can ensure that our battles, laughter, and camaraderie continue beyond the horizon. Here's to a long and glorious life for our community!

For the realm! For glory! For Freedom!

William Wallace πŸ›‘οΈπŸ—‘οΈπŸŽ

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