Mission Accomplished?

Mission Accomplished?

May 18, 2021

Mission accomplished? 1-minute.

. https://youtu.be/s3g75BwxJrY 


The world is a classroom with no walls. From which one graduates at the end; scrolling through Life's events in a timeless space. In search of...  An everlasting Love out there calling to be One?

Or a reason to get back into the rotting carcass one's Soul had just left behind? 

It depends on one's mission. Has it been accomplished?  No one ever came back from the dead  to claim their earthly possessions. For these stuff decay and rot with time. 

What are the lessons, within these wide open spaces, that take a Lifetime to learn?  Not the fleeting pleasures, one is sure. For their attractions fade fast.  

Neither the wisdom of words. As they too do not last.  Nor the pictures of the mind. The play of  lights of class or crass. 

The feeling of eternal confidence, that's  faith, in a Power far Greater than any human can conceive. In the darkest of nights, or weathering the hottest of the desert sun, struggling on a stormy ocean so vast, or shrinking in a sinister jungle, to find a friend in the last scrap of Hope, a prayer: to learn Surrender, when all else is done. 

All will learn these lessons, just in different ways. 

Though one wonders why Nature made it easier to learn the bad stuff from the beginning ... 🙄 

Listen/watch to find one's True Gifts! 1-minute. 

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