Act Like..., and It Will Be

Act Like..., and It Will Be

Aug 01, 2021

Monday the week after next, our new playlist:

Act Like..., and It Will Be (Yet Do No Harm)

Why are many suffering despite untold riches within arm's reach? Why are children so happy in their world of make-believe?

One is educated by the above observations of everyday Life. The difference between the mind of the worrier and that of the Warrior.

One is of impossibility and the other, of possibilities.

But... have you noticed this ONE thing? That at our different levels of realization, we each manifests differently at the level most REAL to each of us, individually.

Let me explain. It's how each/some/most of us conjure(s) up Life day-to-day from the moment we have awakened enough in the morning.

Act Like:



3.Life's good...

4. it's easy...


6.the insult is nothing...

7.the hardship is nothing...

8.senses are within control...

9.the problem is solved... who thinks, says and does as committed.

One's challenge ladder may not be in the above order of difficulty, it may differ from person to person. But it sure describes the difficulty level of Life's Games the higher one goes up the ladder, ...

It also works exactly for those who wish for the opposite of the above. That's another ladder, another story for another day.

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