Tweets of sages, made for me
Let me hide my bile in thee.
Let the fire and the rage
Fill the ether not the page.
You are indeed perfection,
A place to hide misdirection.
Fools my words you heed
Satisfying my selfish need.
Could my evil no respite know?
Could my torrent forever flow?
No other outlet could I find,
Twitter you are my biggest find.
All that is in my heart to you I bring
You let my loathsome words sing.
I come to you for release,
Safe to say my piece.
Foul I to the platform fly,
Let me seethe or I will die.
When I come near to death,
When I’m close to that final breath,
I’ll know that I am done,
I will have reached everyone.
Tweets of sages, made for me
Let me hide my bile in thee.