Monthly vs Yearly vs Lifetime Membership

Monthly vs Yearly vs Lifetime Membership

Jan 01, 2025

The cost of a yearly membership works out cheaper in the long run, as you are only paying for 10 months instead of 12. This can mean considerable savings overall, but at the cost of a higher initial payment. The different costs/savings are shown below, dependant on your membership level:

Support Memberships:

Support Membership: £1 per month (£12) or £10 per year saving £2

Premium Membership: £2 per month (£24) or £20 per year saving £4

Elite Medmbership: £5 per month (£60) or £50 per year saving £10

Premium Elite Membership: £10 per month (£120) or £100 per year saving £20

There is no lifetime membership for supporter memberships available, but you can support me for as long as you want.

Commercial License Memberships:

The First: £3 per month (£36) or £30 per year saving £6 (Limited to 1 member only)

Very Earlybird: £5 per month (£60) or £50 per year saving £10 (Limited to 3 members only)

Earlybird: £8 per month (£96) or £80 per year saving £16 (Limited to 5 members only)

Standard LM: £10 per month (£120) or £100 per year saving £20 (Limited to 11 members only)

Standard: £20 per month (£240) or £200 per year saving £40 (unlimited members)

However, is a lifetime commercial license membership the cheapest and best commercial license membership for you? The different costs/over-spends are shown below, dependant on your membership level:

Lifetime Commercial License Membership Value:

Lifetime vs Yearly The First: £300 or 10 years (120 months) at £30 per year (£300)

Lifetime vs Monthly The First:£300 or 100 months (8 years, 4 months) at £3 per month (£300)

Lifetime vs Yearly Very Earlybird: £300 or 6 years (72 months) at £50 per year (£300)

Lifetime vs Monthly Very Earlybird: £300 or 60 months (5 years) at £5 per month (£300)

Lifetime vs Yearly Earlybird: £300 or 4 years (48 months) at £80 per year (£320) £20+ more paying yearly

Lifetime vs Mointhly Earlybird: £300 or 38 months (3 years, 2 months) at £8 per month (£304) £4+ more paying monthly

Lifetime vs Yearly Standard LM: £300 or 3 years (36 months) at £100 per year (£300)

Lifetime vs Monthly Standard LM: £300 or 30 months (2 years, 6 months) at £10 per month (£300)

Lifetime vs Yearly Standard: £300 or 2 years at £200 per year (£400) £100+ more paying yearly

Lifetime vs Monthly Standard: £300 or 15 months (1 year, 3 months) at £20 per month (£300)

Bear in mind that the Lifetime membership carries more benefits and rewards than any other membership levels, which makes it even more value.

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