Happy Suday ...

Happy Suday ...

Mar 28, 2021

Sunday mornings are the best. Just lingering in bed, enjoying that second cup of coffee and just appreciating the luxury of the no-get-to-work rush of weekday mornings. Even the dogs are a little slower on a Sunday morning, as if barking too much will disturb mommy's selfish me-time. The most effort I put into the day is a 20 minute yoga session.

Sundays are about church, lunch, relaxing and family time. I wish I could get myself to take a drive to the beach, do a coffee date with a friend or even do a late afternoon ice cream run. I normally plan the day with the best of intentions, but it normally ends up with me just strolling around in my pj's, watching tv or dabbing a few brushes in paint.

Oh yes, I'm a wanna-be painter, artist, playing with my artistic side.

Whatever you choose to do, however you choose to do it - remember to consider others, be wise in your decisions, be safe, sanitize and remember to mask up!

Sunday greetings


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