Miss Maple is home from her lump removal surgery and recovering well.
I got to work last night and despite opioids, she was still really painful and nauseous. Lots of groaning, some drooling, and lots of tummy grumbles from not eating anything all day.
So we got her some additional pain relief, an anti-nausea injection, and despite a very sad night, by the end of my 10 hour shift we had her off fluids and eating.
She's managing her pain well at home and able to sleep comfortably. It's days like today that I'm glad she's terrible at jumping so I can easily monitor her activity and keep her from stretching out her tummy as much as possible.
We'll know her lump histopathology results (whether it was benign or not) in about a week's time.
Thank you to those who gave to her hospital fund by "buying us a pet treat". It is more appreciated than you know this month. 🥰