Carnivore Basics

Carnivore Basics

May 27, 2021


What To Eat

  • Red Meat: Pork, Beef, Lamb, and Game

  • White Meat: Turkey, Chicken, Fish, and Seafood

  • Organ Meat: Liver, Kidney, Bone Marrow, Heart

  • Eggs: Chicken, Duck, and Goose Eggs

  • Dairy: Butter, Cheese, and Cream

For the majority of people, these will provide all the nutrition you need, including vitamins, minerals, and protein.

How Much To Eat

The simple answer is to eat as much as it takes to feel full. Meat is an incredible filler, and you’ll be surprised how little it will take to keep you going for many hours while on the carnivore diet. 

Some people can eat up to 2.5lbs of meat per day, other folk do well on less. For example a very fit carnivore I know eats around 300-350g per day spread over 2 meals and he weighs 175lbs. Dr Baker mentioned on the Joe Rogan #1050 podcast interview how he has seen many people eat on average about 2 lbs (900 grams) of meat per day. 


What To Drink

  • Water

  • Coffee (Swiss Water Decaf, I recommend avoiding caffeine for fat loss)

  • Tea, including herbal teas, are OK 

Drinks are OK as long as you don’t sweeten them with any type of sugar. What you want to avoid is any type of drink that contains carbs like sodas, fruit and veg juices, and energy drinks as these will disrupt your fat loss if that is your goal.


When to eat

I generally recommend sticking with 2 meals per day. 

After about 2 weeks, your metabolism should be adapting and becoming more efficient at sourcing energy from fats. This means that you should not be avoiding the fatty cuts of meat, as you’ll need to eat animal meat to fuel your body and brain, like what happens when you're on a ketogenic diet.


Time Between Eating

I suggest your first meal of the day is when you feel hungry. ‘Breakfast is the most important meal of the day,’ was written by someone named ‘Kellogg.’

So if you are hungry at 11am, then make that the first meal of the day. Try to eat your next meal before 7pm at the latest. Some people prefer one meal a day and that works too.



Electrolytes are minerals that carry an electrical charge when dissolved in water. They're vital for your nervous system, muscles and maintaining an optimal body environment. Because you lose a lot of unnecessary water then you might need to replace things like salt when you first start this way of eating.

If You Still Want Calorie Information

A large, free-range egg is 7g of fat and 7g of protein. But as fat is more nutrient dense so if you are needing a guide by calories an egg is 65% fat, 35% protein

A medium egg which is not free range or / and not feed naturally will not have such a good ratio.

100g of ribeye is 22g fat and  24g protein and lot of water

Archaeological Science

Using Nitrogen Isotope testing we can tell that humans have evolved eating mostly meat and animal products.


The science is here.

Humans designed to eat meat

From the excellent website


Humans have a much longer small intestine for nutrient absorption and a shorter hindgut (cecum and colon) for the fermentation of vegetable fibers than do other primates.  The distribution of intestines are completely opposite of one another. This fact disproves the idea that apes and humans have the same gut length and therefore share similar dietary needs.  There is obviously a huge difference in the ancestral diet between man and ape to explain this dramatic difference.

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