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The TTP Manpack Bag is Complete

The TTP Manpack Bag is Complete

Oct 05, 2022

Good Morning, Friends

Well, it's finally complete. The "TTP Manpack" has been finalized and I am gearing up to start the pre-order process for those who reserved a spot.

I want to thank everyone who expressed interest in the bag as I would not have gone down this small batch release without your support.

Please check out this short video where I walk through the final features and next steps.

EmComm Tools Update

If you've been paying attention you may be noticing that I have a much larger vision for emergency communications that goes beyond having radios and the skills to use them. I am working towards building a complete solution and platform to make off-grid communication easier to use for the masses.

The "TTP Manpack" is just one component of my envisioned platform. In the same way that the TTP Manpack is a platform that is purpose-built with reference hardware (i.e. ARMOLOQ TPA pack frames, FT-818ND, DigiRig Mobile), EmComm Tools is purpose-built to enhance offgrid communication capabilities for the field or emergency operator.

In order to achieve this easy-to-use platform objective, EmComm Tools is moving towards becoming EmComm Tools OS. I have been successful in packaging EmComm Tools as a full blown customized version of Ubuntu Linux. What does this mean?

Well, it means that you can run EmComm Tools OS on a USB thumb drive, either as a bootable live image or install it on your hard drive. This dove tails with the offline philosophy as you can now have physical media without ever needing to go online. Yes, I found a time machine and I am going back to the 90's. (The 90's were great) More on this on a future post.

This project is very much delayed due to the manpack bag initiative, but I plan to continue to chip away at this project. There are simply no more hours in the day to work on all these initiatives. I would love to work on these projects full time so that I can get these tools and content out to you faster. Again, thank you for your support as you are helping me get one step closer to making this my full-time focus.

No Random Contacts

In case you missed it, here's the most recent video in the "No Random Contacts" series. In short, I was successful in hitting a pre-defined commo window and establishing a 265 mile contact with a known quantity (Mike KC8OWL) from Arizona to Utah. If you enjoy practical, real-world field exercises, this one is for you.

"Be Strong, Be Safe and Be Prepared" -- The Tech Prepper KT1RUN

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