Nishant Jain
485 supporters
100 Faces for India

100 Faces for India

Apr 28, 2021

Dear fans, supporters, patrons, followers,

I am indebted to you all, for supporting my work. I am now trying to use the extent of my social media reach to provide aid in the unprecedented and incredible COVID19 healthcare crisis in India. Read more about the situation here.

To raise money, I have launched a new project - 100 Faces for India. I am offering ink portraits at $25, which will be delivered to you as high-res scans on your email.

How it works -

  1. Buy the offer at $25.

  2. In the confirmation message, you will see my email. Email me a suitable pic to draw.

  3. I send you the final drawing asap.

  4. You also receive a email as soon as contributions are made to the orgs below, with all transaction details.


100% of all funds collected will be split between two charities - Khalsa Aid and GiveIndia. Both of these organizations have a track record of providing aid to vulnerable populations. They are currently focused on arrangement of food, medical supplies and other essential provisions for people in different parts of the country.

I hope you will join me in this time of grave need. If you know someone else that might be interested in supporting this project, please do share this email, or the link below, with them.

Visit here to support the 100 Faces for India Project.

My best wishes to you, your family and all your loved ones.

Nishant Jain.

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