Alpha (Part 2)

Alpha (Part 2)

May 16, 2022


Keep in mind that true dominance in any room starts with you having the ability to reflect your own self love.

When you have the ability to show up as the version of you that truly knows you, everyone can see it.

Self-love is the foundation of true dominance in any room. When you are able to love yourself, no matter what others think or feel, it brings forth a sense of self-confidence that can open up many possibilities. It's by having this inner strength and assurance that you can truly take control of your life and be the leader in any environment. No matter who you are and where you come from, self-love is the key ingredient to gaining influence and power over those around you.

It’s like rocking with your best friend, you walk with yourself, then, you show the world your own self value, respect and kindness.

That "on guard" energy because you gotta be an ‘Alpha’ has you projecting all the wrong energy.

If you seem too cool, I believe you.

If you’re an asshole, I believe you.

If you wear a whole armour and refrain from showing yourself, I believe you…

See where I’m going with this?

It’s because of the ‘Alpha’ energy that you THINK you need to keep you safe, that makes it difficult for a feminine to be to be around you.

In our society, many people rely on Alpha energy to feel safe and secure. Unfortunately, this type of energy can make it hard for feminine energies to be around us. This is because the Alpha energy can be intimidating, or even oppressive, making it difficult for them to feel comfortable in our presence. As such, if we want to create a safe and supportive space for the feminine energies in our lives, we need to be aware of this tendency and work on developing a more balanced approach that combines both masculine and feminine energies.

You’re conflicted now. I get it. It’s because I care about your happiness, I have suggestions.

Do we need a part 3?!?

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog in a non-judgemental perspective, your time and support is valued.

I hope you enjoy learning from me as much as I enjoy writing my blog 💙

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