Es-Nq-Assumptions 12/15

Es-Nq-Assumptions 12/15

Dec 14, 2023


SUPPORTS= 4764 (yhod)-4755-4743-4731 extreme

RES= 4760-4777-4786-4790 EXTREME


SUPPORTS= 16738-16702-16687-16648-16600-16576 EXTREME

RES= 16777-16806(yhod)-16850-16886 EXTREME


I Assume with the whipsaw action the last day or two , we have to play based on the recent highs

So 4764 on es is spot to hold if want to long , and can trade this up into 4777-90 range but until we crack 85-90 its short there

Id assume we see a backtest of 4740 at some point and if faang names dont contribute well it could be tomorrow

I think Globex highs will be near 4777-85

I think Globex lows will be near 4755-47

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