Before I get into this way of living your life please join our Facebook group Healthy Food 4 Healthy Life
The Power of 9 rule has been attributed to people living longer lives in some regions of the world .
I can’t say that any real research was done or studies but I thought it to be intriguing.
Here are the 9 rules :
Move naturally
Say yes to happy hour
Take time to down shift
Give your diet a plant slant
Find your crew
Abide by the 80 percent rule
Put loved ones first
Find a place you belong
Know your why
So I would argue the plant slant as being mostly Carnivore and a little Keto for almost 4 years I feel great and feel the best I have in many years .
The 80 percent rule is stop eating when your 80 percent full again I would have to argue this goes against almost everything Carnivore that tells you to eat till your full.
I would also argue about the Happy hour but I do agree that it would be good to relax and take stress off your life when ever possible.
The rest well I can't argue they seem to be good rules to live by but I have to say I do.not think IT is for me .