Documenting, documenting, documenting

Documenting, documenting, documenting

Mar 17, 2025

This is simply for documentation purposes.

He is continuing to show patterns of delusional behavior. Today alone he accused either my daughter or myself of getting his bath towel "soaking wet". Neither of us touch his towel. I felt it - he had just used it after the shower - it was the normal dampness of someone who had just used it after a shower. I stated this and he got agitated and defensive, raising his voice telling me "it is soaking wet and it was this way before i got into the shower dammit". I said, "If that's the case then it would be even more wet given you also used it after your shower to dry yourself."

Logic didn't work for he continued to rant as I walked out of the room.

He also complained how "soaking wet" his dresser was. Yes, the room was damp - that is an issue with this house during the winter and we run a dehumidifier to help. But soaking wet? He said he ran his hands on his dresser and his hands got damp. I did the same and did not have the same experience.

He's also been blocking then unblocking members of his family. Back and forth, getting agitated when I said "I thought you blocked them". The dude needs psychiatric evaluation and at the very least, counseling to get his anxiety under control. Speaking of, he continued to read headlines out loud. I've learned asking him not to just makes him more agitated, so I turn on the radio and put in ear plugs. Today one of the headlines was an article on anger and how best to deal with it. About 15 minutes later he was agitated - again - over something he read so I said maybe it would be helpful if he followed the advice, he just shared minutes later about anger. Again - a trigger - he over spoke me - agitated. I left.

Later in the day he accused us of taking his umbrella - which has not been seen in three years. I have no clue where it is. Again, he says he did nothing with it - one of us did. That interaction also warranted me walking away, this time out of the house.

And in a new behavior he is showing that began several weeks ago after my daughter started telling him to get a job when he starts to complain about money and how broke he is, in a move people like him do to divert the focus and responsibility away from them, he said when he was her age, he was working full time. Which is a lie of course as child labor laws have been in effect since the 30's for any child under the age of 16 while school is in session. I stepped in, told him to back off, said she's the child you're the adult.

He then began telling her she could sell some of her artwork she is creating to help the family. I stepped in again on that one, saying IF she decided to pursue that, she would be keeping the money she earned as she was under NO obligation to help the family $$.

Later on, he told me he could move to Egypt if he wanted to - disappear - and not have to pay another dime in support of her. I said he was free to go but if he thought he had no responsibility for her, the law (obviously!) stated different, not to mention what a horrid thing to say about your child (she was not in the room).

A friend of mine, in a similar situation, has hooked up with a real estate agent in the sale of her home. She is going to share my situation with the agent - put out the word for the kind of housing I seek. I am determined to find it as I KNOW it's out there. I spent over an hour today putting up more flyers for my writing work. I will get there.


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