Our New Podcast Season Kicks Off August ...

Our New Podcast Season Kicks Off August 1

Jul 30, 2022

image It's been 8 months since our last episode, but we are rebooting our weekly "Behind the Mike: Conversations of Hope" podcast on August 1, 2022! In our first brief episode, we'll explain what has been going on over the past 10 months, what is new, and where we are headed.

Also, we are now recording video podcasts on our YouTube Channel!

We would love your support, which can happen in various ways:

  • Subscribe to the show

  • Rate the show (5-stars would be awesome!)

  • Review the show (just a brief one works!)

  • Support the show financially on "Buy Me a Coffee"

  • Tell your friends, family, neighbors & your pets (if they listen to podcasts)

  • Follow us on YouTube, Facebook, TikTok, Instagram & Twitter

  • Sign up for our newsletter on our WEBSITE

We cannot wait for you to hear from our guests! Their stories will inspire you, encourage you, and point you to the ultimate HOPE--Jesus Christ!

Thank you for listening and supporting "Behind the Mike: Conversations of Hope"!

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