To Feel My Bones

To Feel My Bones

May 06, 2024

The good thing about working from home as well as working for yourself is that you can take off days for the slightest of reasons. It's a blessing and a curse, really but that's not the point.

The point is that I was cold today so I didn't go to the office (used to be a small spare bedroom). Now, me not going to the office technically means I'm not working because all the productivity gurus on YouTube say, "You need a dedicated work space where you can focus on only work and being productive." Well, jokes on you Ali Abdal, when I'm in the office I'm mostly un-productive thank you very much.

Anyway, instead of braving the discomfort of frozen feet, I curled up on the couch and watched a couple or maybe 30 videos on YouTube. The cats joined me for most of it so it was kind of pleasant.

However, I did get hit by a massive tsunami of guilt. "Its Monday, dude, you should be working," it said. And I said back, "My feet should be warm first. Plus there's a cat on me. I can't move bro!"

Then the cat leapt away and the guilt and I stared at each other for what felt like ages before I said, "Fine, I'll do something." Then I painted this sheep.

Isn't it adorbs?

I also made this just because:

The second one is a video but it seems i cannot upload videos in this platform. You can check it out on my design Instagram though ( How's that for productivity?

Still, it is very cold today. So as I lay here on the couch, my cat and I wish you all the warmth in the world.

Just look at him! Look at his snuggled up face! I can't stand it!

[PS: If you like his snuggled up face, help me feed him. Pretty please....thanks for the support ❤️ ]

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