Dinner in a Vineyard

Dinner in a Vineyard

Oct 03, 2023

The meal if done, but thoughts on our dinner in the vineyard continue to warm my soul.

While the food was fantastic and the vineyard offering an ambiance that many strive to emulate, it was created with a lot of hard work!

Our Chef Leon and his wife, Lori, put in countless hours to get it all prepared.

Leon and I sourced the local foods from bison to vegetables. Vicki Severson owns the vineyard that she and her late husband, Bryan, had established about 20 years ago. She served a few wines during our evening and each was special and added to the meal.

This was a dream for Leon who saw a picture in a food and wine magazine of a table set for service in a vineyard. He wanted to emulate the dream.

Leon found an old door in one of Vicki's sheds and prepared it for use as the table. Once it was atop two sawhorses, it became the perfect tabletop.

Lori polished chairs Vicki had and the two brought a plethora of supplies from their house including gas grill, camp stove, tables to hold the food and serving dishes plus so much more.

Jon and Laurel Peterson were guests of our special meal and Vicki brought elegance, grace and warmth to the evening through the vineyard's scenic beauty and her own warmth and kindness.

Read the details at thelocalgrowers.com.

And think local.

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