Last August we moved to Israel. It was stressful. Took a lot of energy, time, and attention. Was disruptive. Most of my healthy habits were gone or became sporadic. This triggered a downward spiral of depressive thoughts, excess alcohol, and emotional eating.
Time to fix it.
Starting Sunday, I am going to experiment using Dr.Huberman's 21-day habit protocol.
Here are 6 Keystone habits I want to (re)introduce daily:
30 mins morning walk
•1,5l of water
• mindful check-ins
Yoga Nidra
16/8 fasting
writing and shipping
Here's why these six.
James Clear identifies Keystone habits as "small choices that lead to a cascade of other actions". These habits are great to manage chronic stress, increase energy and deal with thoughts and emotions. They also create a good daily rhythm.
Why am I writing before, not after?
External accountability! I will be reporting the results of my experiment here every Sunday, letting you know what worked and what didn't. Often, we see the endpoint = the results. And miss the messy middle. I will share mine on my Twitter.
Here is a description of the protocol I will use -> link.
I also shared a Notion template which I am going to use -> link.
Wish me luck!