The Power of Style

The Power of Style

Apr 29, 2024

If you have followed me any length of time you know, I love everything about fashion, style, and glamour! I actually took classes to become a certified personal stylist! With that being said I wanted to share a little about the power of style. I have talked before about style showing your personality to the world, and I still very much believe that is a big benefit to having a signature look!

Today however I want to share a little about one of the secret or hidden benefits of style. When you chose outfits and accessories that you truly love and that make you happy, those outfits can help boost your mood and actually make your day go better. Its true, picking out clothes and jewelry that you truly love and wearing them can be a big mood enhancer. You see when you see yourself in things that you really like and that bring you joy it makes your brain release dopamine or the happiness chemical! It's kinda like retail therapy, where you go shopping and buy or maybe just look at and try on things you like.

Today I woke up feeling drained and completely unmotivated to do anything. And I had a lot to get done. As I rolled out of bed, and began thinking of everything on my to do list, I started to feel a little overwhelmed. As soon as I realized it, I stopped and took a breath and decided to have a little wardrobe therapy! I opened my closet and found a pair of my favorite "Funky jeans" these lace up the bottom of the legs and the ribbon that laces the bottom cuff of the jeans tie in ribbons. I have been told they look like something from the late 80s or 90's fashion, this thrills me lol. I then found one of my favorite shirts, a black shirt with puffy black lace sleeves. A perfect match for me, then I picked out my jewelry for the day. My red jeweled spider necklace on a silver chain, and silver hoop earrings, along with my gold and diamond watch and bracelet set.

As I got dressed in this fun outfit, I felt better and as my mood improved so did my energy level! By the time I finished my makeup I was in a completely different head space and ready to get the busy day started. I am well aware there are people who will say the outfit is a little much, but I don't care because I dress to impress myself no one else, and I choose my outfits by what I like and what makes me happy! So next time you wake up in a bad mood or feeling down, try a little wardrobe therapy. Try putting together a new outfit by pairing things differently than you normally do, wear the bold and fun jewelry, and see how you feel.

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