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Tarot reading!

May 07, 2024

This week I am trying something new and a little different. I am doing a mini tarot reading for weekly guidance! Here is how it works, think about what you most need guidance on and then pick reading 1 or reading 2. Then read the message from the reading you chose.

Reading one

The Star, shows that help or a solution is on the way from an unexpected source. If you have been unwell or facing hard times recovery and peace is coming.

King of Cups , shows good business sense & potential for success but needs to fully follow through with plans and projects. Work on not getting distracted by others.

9 of cups reversed, gives a warning not to be overly boastful or promise things you can’t deliver. You might need to take time for self reflection.

over all this reading says you have been struggling with getting things together and reaching goals. But you have the ability to be successful if you will set aside your pride and ask for and accept help.

Reading two

The Empress shows an appreciation for the arts & practical skills, like a skilled trade. And a creative side.

The Hermit reversed shows a lack of faith and closed heart due to being hurt. Afraid to open up because of fear of being hurt.

3 of swords painful experience and memories blot out or block memories of happier times. Needs to work on healing past trauma. So the past doesn’t ruin future relationships both personal and professional.

This reading tells me you are a smart caring soul who has had more than one broken heart, and suffered great loss. Your grief is holding you back and blocking all opportunities for you to find peace and happiness again. You need to heal past trauma and hurt so that you are open to love and happiness once again. You deserve it and the Empress card tells me getting involved in art of some sort will aid you in your healing.

Blessed be I hope these readings helped you. If you would like a personal reading you can book online or email me at [email protected]

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