A Stand for the And!

A Stand for the And!

May 02, 2024

This week I took a stand for the And! I made the decision not to chose between doing life coaching, and picking just one area to work, and being a tarot reader and spiritual advisor. I am proudly doing both! I love doing both and I think the fact I do both isn't bad, in fact it is part of what makes me different. I have even combined the two into one offer Transformative Tarot! I can honestly say I love everything about this!

I think I am going to do this more often with other areas in my life. When I am faced with two choices that I love, why not see if I can have both? I have done this before, for example I love to travel, and I am a mom. My son has to attend school or have some form of education. I knew I wanted the flexibility of homeschool, but I also wasn't sure about doing lesson plans and everything else. The solution a virtual school! My son has teachers who do online lessons in a virtual class and has assignments for each day. If we are taking a trip, my son can still come with us, and do his schoolwork with just a little planning! It's great, and it works for us.

I have done this with my diet as well, by watching my portions of my favorite foods, I can still enjoy them and lose weight. Of course, I have to work out as well but learning to adjust portions along with adding healthier foods, it makes sticking to a wellness plan easier.

So how can you take the stand for the And in your life?

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