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The Difference Between Liberty and Freed ...

The Difference Between Liberty and Freedom

Aug 27, 2023

The Preamble to the United States Constitution states: "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure (sic) domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence (sic), promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

The word "free" or "freedom" is in the Constitution and original Bill of Rights four times. The three uses of the word in the First and Second Amendments are "negative" rights in that they describe what the government is not allowed to do, in order to secure the individual citizen's freedom. The use of the word in Article 2 is to describe "Free" persons (as opposed to "Indians" and "Other Persons" [slaves]).

Recently, I asked a group of well-informed adults if they knew the difference between the words liberty and freedom.

None could answer.

The expressed purpose of the Constitution is to:

  • Form a more perfect Union

  • Establish Justice

  • Insure (sic) domestic Tranquility

  • Provide for the common defence (sic),

  • Promote the general Welfare

  • Secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity

Securing the blessings of liberty is the only positive use of Liberty or Freedom in the Constitution.


Freedom is the choice to do whatever you want. Liberty is freedom within limits. e.g., a ship's captain gives his sailors liberty, which is permission to leave the ship for a designated period of time. Liberty is a freedom granted within the limits of rules and societal norms. Liberty is freedom with constraints. In modern society, those constraints are most often controlled by money and monetary policy.

A famous metaphor regarding liberty goes something like this: Freedom is the ability to swing your arm around however you want. But the Liberty to swing your fist ends where someone else's nose begins.

As liberty is freedom within limits, John Adams appropriately commented:

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

Like Liberty, the word Culture is a term that has lost its meaning in the public consciousness. The Harvard Business School definition of the word culture that I like to use is the values and processes of a society or organization. The values and processes of a moral and economically stable society allow for the normal transaction of life without the omnipresent necessity of government interference because the population is largely self-regulating. They police themselves.

The difference between the limits of Liberty and Culture is the Tolerance of a society. Moral Psychologist Jonathan Haidt theorizes that moral dimensions, the boundaries of a culture, are defined by: Fairness/Cheating, Loyalty/Betrayal, Authority/Subversion, Sanctity/Degradation, and Liberty/Oppression.

Today, the word culture has been transformed into whatever someone wants it to mean, comic books, movies, and music are all "pop culture." Sexual Identity, Marriage, and the definitions of words are all up for grabs. By pushing cultural freedom past the limits of liberty into the realms of absurdity, freedom is used to make a mockery of liberty and disrupts society.

For example:

  • Trans-men in women's bathrooms

  • New pronouns compliance

  • Abortion equals my body/my choice, but vaccine compliance does not

The distinction is important because when politicians and government bureaucrats start selling freedom, it's generally a tell that they are lying.

Cultural Marxists love to use the words freedom and democracy to sell so-called "human rights" and nebulously impossible causes like "climate change" and "trans-rights" as cudgels to beat down the reasonable limits of the moral and religious people because those same self-limiting people are the backbone of a stable society. Without an understanding of the nature of liberty, the self-imposed limits on "freedom," or a culture that self-regulates its values and processes, society spins out of control as it is currently.

Democracy, in principle, appears to be the fairest system. However, when populations are constantly exposed to media influence and deprived of empirical evidence due to intentional obfuscation, combined with a lack of critical thinking skills due to its omission from education, they often vote based on external programming rather than informed choice. That's why our founders created a Republic, not a Democracy.

Journalism, education, social media, television, motion pictures, popular music, and art have all been subversively used to disrupt the values and processes, the cultures, of all societies and governments in the world to create a conflict that is hoped to result in a New World Order. This is a centuries-long campaign that has led up to the "Great Reset."

The late Andrew Breitbart warned us that "Politics is downstream from Culture," meaning that if you control culture, people will vote the way that the culture tells them. What Breitbart didn't say was voiced by Curtis Yarvin, and that is that "Culture is downstream from Power." The world is run by people using magical money power to execute fraudulent debt-based schemes against an ignorant public, as it has for thousands of years. It's time to wake up.

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